Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import TextIOWrapper
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Sequence, TypedDict, Union, cast

from lxml.etree import _Attrib, _Element

from mscxyz import utils
from mscxyz.utils import INCH
from mscxyz.xml import XmlManipulator

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from mscxyz.score import Score

from mscxyz.utils import Dimension

[docs] def mm(value: str | float) -> float: if not isinstance(value, str): return value return Dimension(value).to("mm")
[docs] def inch(value: str | float) -> float: if not isinstance(value, str): return value return Dimension(value).to("in")
musical_symbol_font_faces = ( "Leland", "Bravura", "Emmentaler", # "MScore", "Gonville", # "Gootville", "MuseJazz", "Petaluma", "Finale Maestro", "Finale Broadway", ) """ Musical symbol font faces :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: engravingmodule.cpp lines 120-127 <>`_ """ musical_text_font_faces = ( "Leland Text", "Bravura Text", "Emmentaler Text", # -> MScore Text # "MScore Text", "Gonville Text", # -> Gootville Text # "Gootville Text", "MuseJazz Text", "Petaluma Text", "Finale Maestro Text", "Finale Broadway Text", ) """ Musical text font faces :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: editstyle.cpp lines 1966-1973 <>`_ """ text_font_faces = ( "lyricsOddFontFace", "lyricsEvenFontFace", "hairpinFontFace", "pedalFontFace", "chordSymbolAFontFace", "chordSymbolBFontFace", # "romanNumeralFontFace", # **Campania** "nashvilleNumberFontFace", "voltaFontFace", "ottavaFontFace", "tupletFontFace", "defaultFontFace", "titleFontFace", "subTitleFontFace", "composerFontFace", "lyricistFontFace", "fingeringFontFace", "lhGuitarFingeringFontFace", "rhGuitarFingeringFontFace", "stringNumberFontFace", "harpPedalDiagramFontFace", "harpPedalTextDiagramFontFace", "longInstrumentFontFace", "shortInstrumentFontFace", "partInstrumentFontFace", # "dynamicsFontFace", "expressionFontFace", "tempoFontFace", "tempoChangeFontFace", "metronomeFontFace", "measureNumberFontFace", "mmRestRangeFontFace", "translatorFontFace", "systemFontFace", "staffFontFace", "rehearsalMarkFontFace", "repeatLeftFontFace", "repeatRightFontFace", "frameFontFace", "textLineFontFace", "systemTextLineFontFace", "glissandoFontFace", "bendFontFace", "headerFontFace", "footerFontFace", "instrumentChangeFontFace", "stickingFontFace", # "figuredBassFontFace", # **MScoreBC** "user1FontFace", "user2FontFace", "user3FontFace", "user4FontFace", "user5FontFace", "user6FontFace", "user7FontFace", "user8FontFace", "user9FontFace", "user10FontFace", "user11FontFace", "user12FontFace", "letRingFontFace", "palmMuteFontFace", ) PrimitiveValue = Union[str, int, float] StyleValue = Optional[Union[PrimitiveValue, dict[str, PrimitiveValue]]] StyleChange = tuple[str, StyleValue, StyleValue] StyleChanges = list[StyleChange] AttibutesDict = dict[str, PrimitiveValue] Offset = TypedDict("Offset", {"x": Union[float, str], "y": Union[float, str]})
[docs] @dataclass class Margin: even_top: float odd_top: float even_right: float odd_right: float even_bottom: float odd_bottom: float even_left: float odd_left: float
[docs] class Style: """ Interface specialized for the style manipulation. :param relpath: The relative (or absolute) path of a MuseScore file. v3: v4: """ score: "Score" parent_element: _Element """The parent ``/museScore/Score/Style`` element that contains all style tags. """ @property def xml(self) -> XmlManipulator: return self.score.xml def __init__(self, score: "Score") -> None: self.score = score parent_element = self.__get_parent_element() if self.score.style_file: self.parent_element = self.xml.find_safe( "Style", self.xml.parse_file(self.score.style_file), ) self.xml.replace(parent_element, self.parent_element) else: self.parent_element = parent_element def __get_parent_element(self) -> _Element: """ Get the parent style element. The element is created if it doesn’t exists. :return: The created parent style element. """ parent_element = self.xml.find("Score/Style") if parent_element is not None: return parent_element score: _Element | None = self.xml.find("Score") if score is None: raise ValueError("The score file has no <Score> tag.") _, sub_element = self.xml.create_sub_element(score, "Style") return sub_element def __create_nested_element(self, tag: str) -> _Element: """ Create a nested XML element based on the given tag. :param tag: The tag for the nested element. Nested tags are supported, for example `TextStyle/halign`. :return: The created nested element. """ tags: list[str] = tag.split("/") parent: _Element = self.parent_element for tag in tags: element: _Element | None = parent.find(tag) if element is None: _, parent = self.xml.create_sub_element(parent, tag) else: parent = element return parent @property def styles(self) -> list[_Element]: """ Return all style elements (all XML elements inside the ``<Style>``) as a list. :return: A list of all style elements. """ output: list[_Element] = [] for element in self.parent_element: output.append(element) return output
[docs] def get_element(self, element_path: str) -> _Element: """ Determines an lxml element that is a child to the ``Style`` tag :param element_path: see :param create: Create the element if not present in the parent ``Style`` tag. Example code: .. code:: Python # Set attributes on a maybe non-existent style tag. # <measureNumberOffset x="0.5" y="-2"/> test = Style('text.mscx') element = test.get_element('measureNumberOffset') element.attrib['x'] = '0.5' element.attrib['y'] = '-2' """ element: _Element | None = self.parent_element.find(element_path) if element is None: element = self.__create_nested_element(element_path) return element
def __get_float(self, style_name: str) -> float | None: value: str | None = self.get(style_name, raise_exception=False) if value is not None: return utils.round_float(value) return None def __get_float_default(self, style_name: str, default: float) -> float: value: float | None = self.__get_float(style_name) if value is not None: return value return default def __get_bool(self, style_name: str) -> bool | None: value: str | None = self.get(style_name, raise_exception=False) if value is not None: return value == "1" return None def __get_bool_default(self, style_name: str, default: bool) -> bool: value: bool | None = self.__get_bool(style_name) if value is not None: return value return default def __get_str_default(self, style_name: str, default: str) -> str: value: str | None = self.get(style_name, raise_exception=False) if value is not None: return value return default def __get_attributes(self, style_name: str) -> _Attrib: element: _Element = self.get_element(style_name) return element.attrib
[docs] def clean(self) -> None: """Remove the style, the layout breaks, the stem directions and the ``font``, ``b``, ``i``, ``pos``, ``offset`` tags""" self.xml.remove_tags( ".//LayoutBreak", ".//StemDirection", ".//font", ".//b", ".//i", ".//pos", ".//offset", ) self.parent_element.clear()
[docs] def get(self, style_name: str, raise_exception: bool = True) -> str | None: """ Get a style value by its style name (element path) of a style tag. :param style_name: see """ element: _Element = self.get_element(style_name) if element.text is None: if raise_exception: raise ValueError(f"Element {element} has no text!") return None else: return element.text
[docs] def set_attributes(self, style_name: str, attributes: AttibutesDict) -> _Element: """Set attributes on a style child tag. :param element_path: see """ element: _Element = self.get_element(style_name) for name, value in attributes.items(): element.attrib[name] = str(value) return element
[docs] def set(self, style_name: str | Sequence[str], value: StyleValue) -> StyleChanges: """ Sets the value of an XML element identified by the given element path. :param style_name: A style name or multiple style names as a list or a element path expression. For more information, refer to :param value: The value to be set for the XML element. It can be a string, integer, or float. """ style_names: list[str] = [] if isinstance(style_name, str): style_names = [style_name] else: style_names = list(style_name) response: StyleChanges = [] for style_name in style_names: element: _Element = self.get_element(style_name) change: StyleChange = ( style_name, self.get(style_name, raise_exception=False), value, ) response.append(change) if isinstance(value, dict): for name, value in value.items(): element.attrib[name] = str(value) else: if isinstance(value, float): value = utils.round_float(value) element.text = str(value) return response
def __get_text_style_element(self, name: str) -> _Element: if self.score.version_major != 2: raise ValueError( "This operation is only allowed for MuseScore 2 score files" ) child: _Element | None = self.xml.xpath( f'//TextStyle/name[contains(., "{name}")]' ) if child is not None: el: _Element | None = child.getparent() if el is None: raise ValueError(f"Parent not found on element {el}!") return el else: _, el_text_style = self.xml.create_sub_element( self.parent_element, "TextStyle" ) _, el_name = self.xml.create_sub_element(el_text_style, "name") el_name.text = name return el_text_style
[docs] def get_text_style(self, name: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Get text styles as a dictonary. Only MuseScore2! .. code :: XML <Style> <TextStyle> <halign>center</halign> <valign>top</valign> <offsetType>absolute</offsetType> <name>Title</name> <family>MuseJazz</family> <size>28</size> <bold>1</bold> </TextStyle> </Style> .. code :: Python { "halign": "center", "size": "28", "family": "MuseJazz", "bold": "1", "valign": "top", "name": "Title", "offsetType": "absolute", } :param name: The name of the text style, for example ``Title``, ``Subtitle``, ``Lyricist``, ``Fingering``, ``String Number``, ``Dynamics`` etc. """ text_style = self.__get_text_style_element(name) out: dict[str, str] = {} for child in text_style.iterchildren(): if child.text is not None: out[child.tag] = child.text return out
[docs] def set_text_style(self, name: str, values: dict[str, str | int | float]) -> None: """Set text styles. Only MuseScore2! :param name: The name of the text style, for example ``Title``, ``Subtitle``, ``Lyricist``, ``Fingering``, ``String Number``, ``Dynamics`` etc. :param values: A dictionary. The keys are the tag names, values are the text values of the child tags, for example ``{size: 14, bold: 1}``. """ text_style: _Element = self.__get_text_style_element(name) for element_name, value in values.items(): element: _Element | None = text_style.find(element_name) if element is None: _, element = self.xml.create_sub_element(text_style, element_name) element.text = str(value)
[docs] def get_all_fonts(self) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: """ Returns a list of tuples containing the tag name and the font face. """ output: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] for element in self.parent_element: if "FontFace" in element.tag: output.append((element.tag, self.xml.get_text_safe(element))) return output
[docs] def print_all_font_faces(self) -> None: for style in self.get_all_fonts(): print(f"{style[0]}: {style[1]}")
[docs] def set_text_fonts(self, new_font_face: str) -> StyleChanges: """ Set the font face for nearly all font face related styles except for ``romanNumeralFontFace``, ``figuredBassFontFace``, ``dynamicsFontFace``, ``musicalSymbolFont`` and ``musicalTextFont``. Default values in v3 and v4: * ``lyricsOddFontFace``: Edwin * ``lyricsEvenFontFace``: Edwin * ``hairpinFontFace``: Edwin * ``pedalFontFace``: Edwin * ``chordSymbolAFontFace``: Edwin * ``chordSymbolBFontFace``: Edwin * ``romanNumeralFontFace``: **Campania** * ``nashvilleNumberFontFace``: Edwin * ``voltaFontFace``: Edwin * ``ottavaFontFace``: Edwin * ``tupletFontFace``: Edwin * ``defaultFontFace``: Edwin * ``titleFontFace``: Edwin * ``subTitleFontFace``: Edwin * ``composerFontFace``: Edwin * ``lyricistFontFace``: Edwin * ``fingeringFontFace``: Edwin * ``lhGuitarFingeringFontFace``: Edwin * ``rhGuitarFingeringFontFace``: Edwin * ``stringNumberFontFace``: Edwin * ``harpPedalDiagramFontFace``: Edwin * ``harpPedalTextDiagramFontFace``: Edwin * ``longInstrumentFontFace``: Edwin * ``shortInstrumentFontFace``: Edwin * ``partInstrumentFontFace``: Edwin * ``dynamicsFontFace``: **Edwin** * ``expressionFontFace``: Edwin * ``tempoFontFace``: Edwin * ``tempoChangeFontFace``: Edwin * ``metronomeFontFace``: Edwin * ``measureNumberFontFace``: Edwin * ``mmRestRangeFontFace``: Edwin * ``translatorFontFace``: Edwin * ``systemFontFace``: Edwin * ``staffFontFace``: Edwin * ``rehearsalMarkFontFace``: Edwin * ``repeatLeftFontFace``: Edwin * ``repeatRightFontFace``: Edwin * ``frameFontFace``: Edwin * ``textLineFontFace``: Edwin * ``systemTextLineFontFace``: Edwin * ``glissandoFontFace``: Edwin * ``bendFontFace``: Edwin * ``headerFontFace``: Edwin * ``footerFontFace``: Edwin * ``instrumentChangeFontFace``: Edwin * ``stickingFontFace``: Edwin * ``figuredBassFontFace``: **MScoreBC** * ``user1FontFace``: Edwin * ``user2FontFace``: Edwin * ``user3FontFace``: Edwin * ``user4FontFace``: Edwin * ``user5FontFace``: Edwin * ``user6FontFace``: Edwin * ``user7FontFace``: Edwin * ``user8FontFace``: Edwin * ``user9FontFace``: Edwin * ``user10FontFace``: Edwin * ``user11FontFace``: Edwin * ``user12FontFace``: Edwin * ``letRingFontFace``: Edwin * ``palmMuteFontFace``: Edwin :param font_face: The new font face to be set. :return: A list of tuples representing the changes made. Each tuple contains the tag name, the old font face, and the new font face. """ return self.set(text_font_faces, new_font_face)
[docs] def set_title_fonts(self, font_face: str) -> StyleChanges: return self.set(("titleFontFace", "subTitleFontFace"), font_face)
@property def musical_symbol_font(self) -> str | None: """ v3 .. code :: XML <musicalSymbolFont>Leland</musicalSymbolFont> <dynamicsFontFace>Leland</dynamicsFontFace> v4 // OBSOLETE after version 4.1. Dynamic text now takes its setting from expression. .. code :: XML <musicalSymbolFont>Leland</musicalSymbolFont> <dynamicsFont>Leland</dynamicsFont> """ return self.get("musicalSymbolFont", raise_exception=False) @musical_symbol_font.setter def musical_symbol_font(self, font_face: str) -> None: if font_face not in musical_symbol_font_faces: raise ValueError( f"Font face {font_face} is not a valid musical symbol font face. Valid values are {musical_symbol_font_faces}." ) self.set(("musicalSymbolFont", "dynamicsFont", "dynamicsFontFace"), font_face) @property def musical_text_font(self) -> str | None: """ .. code :: XML <musicalTextFont>Leland Text</musicalTextFont> """ return self.get("musicalTextFont", raise_exception=False) @musical_text_font.setter def musical_text_font(self, font_face: str) -> None: if font_face not in musical_text_font_faces: raise ValueError( f"Font face {font_face} is not a valid musical text font face. Valid values are {musical_text_font_faces}." ) # self.set( "musicalTextFont", font_face.replace("Emmentaler", "MScore").replace("Gonville", "Gootville"), ) def __replace_parent_element(self, parent_style: _Element) -> None: self.xml.replace(self.parent_element, parent_style) self.parent_element = parent_style
[docs] def load_styles_as_string(self, styles: str) -> None: """Load styles into the XML tree and replace the old styles. :param styles: A string containing the XML style markup. For example this inputs are valid: Without declaration: .. code :: XML <pageWidth>8.27</pageWidth> With declaration: .. code :: XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <museScore version="2.06"> <Style> <pageWidth>8.27</pageWidth> """ if "<Style>" not in styles: styles = f'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<museScore version="{self.score.version}"><Style>{styles}</Style></museScore>' style = self.xml.parse_string(styles) self.__replace_parent_element(style[0])
[docs] def load_style_file(self, file: str | Path | TextIOWrapper) -> None: style: _Element = self.xml.parse_file(file) self.__replace_parent_element(style[0])
[docs] def reload(self, save: bool = False) -> Style: """ Reload the MuseScore file. :param save: Whether to save the changes before reloading. Default is False. :return: The reloaded Style object. :see: :meth:`mscxyz.score.Score.reload` """ return self.score.reload(save).style
# The properties in the order they are arranged in this file: @property def page_width(self) -> float: """ The page width in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageWidth>8.5</pageWidth> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 43 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageWidth", 210 / INCH) @page_width.setter def page_width(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageWidth", value) @property def page_height(self) -> float: """ The page height in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageHeight>11.69</pageHeight> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 44 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageHeight", 297 / INCH) @page_height.setter def page_height(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageHeight", value)
[docs] def set_page_size(self, width: float | str, height: float | str) -> None: """ Set the page size in ``inch``. At the same time, the :attr:`page_printable_width` attribute is set so that the margins do not change. :param width: The page width in ``inch`` as a float or a dimension string in ``mm`` or ``in``. :param height: The page height in ``inch`` as a float or a dimension string in ``mm`` or ``in``. :see: :attr:`page_width` :see: :attr:`page_height` :see: :attr:`page_printable_width` .. rubric:: Example .. code-block:: python"210mm", "297mm") # or: , 11.6929133858) """ old_page_width = self.page_width new_page_width = inch(width) self.page_width = new_page_width self.page_height = inch(height) self.page_printable_width = ( new_page_width / old_page_width * self.page_printable_width )
[docs] def set_page_size_a4(self) -> None: """ Set the page size to A4 (210mm x 297mm). """ self.set_page_size(8.27, 11.69)
[docs] def set_page_size_letter(self) -> None: """ Set the page size to Letter (8.5in x 11in). """ self.set_page_size(8.5, 11)
# page even/odd top/right/bottom/left margin # in CSS order ################ @property def page_even_top_margin(self) -> float: """ The top margin of the even pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageEvenTopMargin>0.393701</pageEvenTopMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 48 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageEvenTopMargin", 15 / INCH) @page_even_top_margin.setter def page_even_top_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageEvenTopMargin", value) @property def page_odd_top_margin(self) -> float: """ The top margin of the odd pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageOddTopMargin>0.393701</pageOddTopMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 50 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageOddTopMargin", 15 / INCH) @page_odd_top_margin.setter def page_odd_top_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageOddTopMargin", value) @property def page_even_right_margin(self) -> float: """ The top right of the even pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageWidth>8.5</pageWidth> <pagePrintableWidth>7.7126</pagePrintableWidth> <pageEvenLeftMargin>0.393701</pageEvenLeftMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 45 <>`_ """ return utils.round_float( self.page_width - self.page_printable_width - self.page_even_left_margin ) @page_even_right_margin.setter def page_even_right_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set( "pagePrintableWidth", self.page_width - self.page_even_left_margin - value ) @property def page_odd_right_margin(self) -> float: """ The right margin of the odd pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageWidth>8.5</pageWidth> <pagePrintableWidth>7.7126</pagePrintableWidth> <pageOddLeftMargin>0.393701</pageOddLeftMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 45 <>`_ """ return utils.round_float( self.page_width - self.page_printable_width - self.page_odd_left_margin ) @page_odd_right_margin.setter def page_odd_right_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set( "pagePrintableWidth", self.page_width - self.page_odd_left_margin - value ) @property def page_even_bottom_margin(self) -> float: """ The bottom margin of the even pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageEvenBottomMargin>0.787403</pageEvenBottomMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 49 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageEvenBottomMargin", 15 / INCH) @page_even_bottom_margin.setter def page_even_bottom_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageEvenBottomMargin", value) @property def page_odd_bottom_margin(self) -> float: """ The bottom margin of the odd pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageOddBottomMargin>0.787403</pageOddBottomMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 51 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageOddBottomMargin", 15 / INCH) @page_odd_bottom_margin.setter def page_odd_bottom_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageOddBottomMargin", value) @property def page_even_left_margin(self) -> float: """ The left margin of the even pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageEvenLeftMargin>0.393701</pageEvenLeftMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 46 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageEvenLeftMargin", 15 / INCH) @page_even_left_margin.setter def page_even_left_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageEvenLeftMargin", value) @property def page_odd_left_margin(self) -> float: """ The left margin of the odd pages in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pageOddLeftMargin>0.393701</pageOddLeftMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 47 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pageOddLeftMargin", 15 / INCH) @page_odd_left_margin.setter def page_odd_left_margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pageOddLeftMargin", value) @property def page_printable_width(self) -> float: """ The printable width of the page in ``inch``. This property is used to calculate the right margin. .. code :: XML <pagePrintableWidth>7.7126</pagePrintableWidth> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 45 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("pagePrintableWidth", 180 / INCH) @page_printable_width.setter def page_printable_width(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("pagePrintableWidth", value) @property def margin(self) -> Margin | float: """ The margin of a page in ``inch``. .. code :: XML <pagePrintableWidth>7.7126</pagePrintableWidth> <pageEvenLeftMargin>0.393701</pageEvenLeftMargin> <pageOddLeftMargin>0.393701</pageOddLeftMargin> <pageEvenTopMargin>0.393701</pageEvenTopMargin> <pageEvenBottomMargin>0.787403</pageEvenBottomMargin> <pageOddTopMargin>0.393701</pageOddTopMargin> <pageOddBottomMargin>0.787403</pageOddBottomMargin> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp lines 46-51 <>`_ """ margin = Margin( even_top=self.page_even_top_margin, odd_top=self.page_odd_top_margin, even_right=self.page_even_right_margin, odd_right=self.page_odd_right_margin, even_bottom=self.page_even_bottom_margin, odd_bottom=self.page_odd_bottom_margin, even_left=self.page_even_top_margin, odd_left=self.page_odd_top_margin, ) margin_single_value: float = margin.even_top for attr in margin.__dict__: if getattr(margin, attr) != margin_single_value: return margin return margin_single_value @margin.setter def margin(self, value: float) -> None: self.page_even_top_margin = value self.page_odd_top_margin = value self.page_even_bottom_margin = value self.page_odd_bottom_margin = value self.page_even_left_margin = value self.page_odd_left_margin = value # After page_even_left_margin and page_odd_left_margin self.page_even_right_margin = value self.page_odd_right_margin = value @property def max_system_distance(self) -> float: """ The maximum system distance in ``sp`` (staff space). .. code :: XML <maxSystemDistance>15</maxSystemDistance> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 61 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float_default("maxSystemDistance", 15.0) @max_system_distance.setter def max_system_distance(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("maxSystemDistance", value) # header ################################################################### @property def show_header(self) -> bool: """ Show the header on the page. .. code :: XML <showHeader>1</showHeader> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 494 <>`_ """ return self.__get_bool_default("showHeader", True) @show_header.setter def show_header(self, value: bool) -> None: self.set("showHeader", int(value)) @property def header_first_page(self) -> bool: """ Show the header on the first page. .. code :: XML <headerFirstPage>1</headerFirstPage> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 495 <>`_ """ return self.__get_bool_default("headerFirstPage", False) @header_first_page.setter def header_first_page(self, value: bool) -> None: self.set("headerFirstPage", int(value)) @property def header_odd_even(self) -> bool: """ Use different headers for odd and even pages. .. code :: XML <headerOddEven>1</headerOddEven> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 496 <>`_ """ return self.__get_bool_default("headerOddEven", True) @header_odd_even.setter def header_odd_even(self, value: bool) -> None: self.set("headerOddEven", int(value)) # even/odd header l/c/r #################################################### @property def even_header_left(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <evenHeaderL>$p</evenHeaderL> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 497 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("evenHeaderL", "$p") @even_header_left.setter def even_header_left(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("evenHeaderL", value) @property def even_header_center(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <evenHeaderC></evenHeaderC> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 498 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("evenHeaderC", "") @even_header_center.setter def even_header_center(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("evenHeaderC", value) @property def even_header_right(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <evenHeaderR></evenHeaderR> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 499 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("evenHeaderR", "") @even_header_right.setter def even_header_right(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("evenHeaderR", value) @property def odd_header_left(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <oddHeaderL></oddHeaderL> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 500 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("oddHeaderL", "") @odd_header_left.setter def odd_header_left(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("oddHeaderL", value) @property def odd_header_center(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <oddHeaderC></oddHeaderC> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 501 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("oddHeaderC", "") @odd_header_center.setter def odd_header_center(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("oddHeaderC", value) @property def odd_header_right(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <oddHeaderR>$p</oddHeaderR> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 502 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("oddHeaderR", "$p") @odd_header_right.setter def odd_header_right(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("oddHeaderR", value)
[docs] def set_header_all(self, left: str, center: str, right: str) -> None: """ Set the header for all pages. :param left: The left part of the header. :param center: The center part of the header. :param right: The right part of the header. :see: :attr:`even_header_left` :see: :attr:`even_header_center` :see: :attr:`even_header_right` :see: :attr:`odd_header_left` :see: :attr:`odd_header_center` :see: :attr:`odd_header_right` """ self.show_header = True self.header_odd_even = False self.even_header_left = left self.even_header_center = center self.even_header_right = right self.odd_header_left = left self.odd_header_center = center self.odd_header_right = right
[docs] def set_header_odd_even( self, odd_left: str, even_left: str, odd_center: str, even_center: str, odd_right: str, even_right: str, ) -> None: """ Set different headers for odd and even pages. :see: :attr:`even_header_left` :see: :attr:`even_header_center` :see: :attr:`even_header_right` :see: :attr:`odd_header_left` :see: :attr:`odd_header_center` :see: :attr:`odd_header_right` """ self.show_header = True self.header_odd_even = True self.even_header_left = even_left self.even_header_center = even_center self.even_header_right = even_right self.odd_header_left = odd_left self.odd_header_center = odd_center self.odd_header_right = odd_right
# footer ################################################################### @property def show_footer(self) -> bool: """ Show the footer on the page. .. code :: XML <showFooter>1</showFooter> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 503 <>`_ """ return self.__get_bool_default("showFooter", True) @show_footer.setter def show_footer(self, value: bool) -> None: self.set("showFooter", int(value)) @property def footer_first_page(self) -> bool: """ Show the footer on the first page. .. code :: XML <footerFirstPage>1</footerFirstPage> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 505 <>`_ """ return self.__get_bool_default("footerFirstPage", True) @footer_first_page.setter def footer_first_page(self, value: bool) -> None: self.set("footerFirstPage", int(value)) @property def footer_odd_even(self) -> bool: """ Use different footers for odd and even pages. .. code :: XML <footerOddEven>1</footerOddEven> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 506 <>`_ """ return self.__get_bool_default("footerOddEven", True) @footer_odd_even.setter def footer_odd_even(self, value: bool) -> None: self.set("footerOddEven", int(value)) # even/odd footer l/c/r #################################################### @property def even_footer_left(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <evenFooterL></evenFooterL> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 507 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("evenFooterL", "") @even_footer_left.setter def even_footer_left(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("evenFooterL", value) @property def even_footer_center(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <evenFooterC>$C</evenFooterC> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 508 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("evenFooterC", "$C") @even_footer_center.setter def even_footer_center(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("evenFooterC", value) @property def even_footer_right(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <evenFooterR></evenFooterR> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 509 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("evenFooterR", "") @even_footer_right.setter def even_footer_right(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("evenFooterR", value) @property def odd_footer_left(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <oddFooterL></oddFooterL> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 510 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("oddFooterL", "") @odd_footer_left.setter def odd_footer_left(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("oddFooterL", value) @property def odd_footer_center(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <oddFooterC>$C</oddFooterC> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 511 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("oddFooterC", "$C") @odd_footer_center.setter def odd_footer_center(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("oddFooterC", value) @property def odd_footer_right(self) -> str: """ .. code :: XML <oddFooterR></oddFooterR> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 512 <>`_ """ return self.__get_str_default("oddFooterR", "") @odd_footer_right.setter def odd_footer_right(self, value: str) -> None: self.set("oddFooterR", value) # staff #################################################################### @property def staff_space(self) -> float | None: """ The staff space in ``mm``, default values are ``1.750mm`` = ``0.069in`` .. code :: XML <Spatium>1.74978</Spatium> styledef.cpp#L640 default 24.8 ??? :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 640 <>`_ """ return self.__get_float("Spatium") @staff_space.setter def staff_space(self, value: float) -> None: self.set("Spatium", value) @property def measure_number_offset(self) -> Offset: """ .. code :: XML <measureNumberOffset x="0" y="-2"/> :see: `MuseScore C++ source code: styledef.cpp line 1008 <>`_ """ return cast(Offset, self.__get_attributes("measureNumberOffset")) @measure_number_offset.setter def measure_number_offset(self, value: Offset) -> None: self.set("measureNumberOffset", cast(AttibutesDict, value))
[docs] def reset_small_staffs(self) -> None: """ Reset all small staffs to normal size. .. code-block:: xml <Part id="1"> <Staff id="1"> <StaffType group="pitched"> <name>stdNormal</name> <small>1</small> </StaffType> </Staff> <trackName>Voice</trackName> <Instrument id="voice"> <trackName>Voice</trackName> <minPitchP>36</minPitchP> <maxPitchP>94</maxPitchP> """ for element in self.xml.findall(".//StaffType/small"): if element.text == "1": self.xml.remove(element)