Submodule score

A class that represents one MuseScore file.

class mscxyz.score.Score(src: str | Path)[source]

Bases: object

This class holds basic file properties of the MuseScore score file.


src – The relative (or absolute) path of a MuseScore file.

path: Path

The absolute path of the MuseScore file, for example /home/xyz/score.mscz.

zip_container: ZipContainer | None
xml_file: str

The path of the uncompressed MuseScore file in XML format file. This path may be located in the temporary directory.

xml: XmlManipulator
xml_root: _Element

The root element of the XML tree. It is the <museScore version="X.X"> Tag. See the lxml API.

version: float

The MuseScore version as a floating point number, for example 2.03, 3.01 or 4.20.

style_file: Path | None

Score files created with MuseScore 4 have a separate style file.

property xml_string: str
property version_major: int

The major MuseScore version, for example 2, 3 or 4

property program_version: str

The semantic version number of the MuseScore program, for example: 4.2.0.


MuseScore C++ source code: writer.cpp line 56

property program_revision: str

The revision number of the MuseScore program, for example: eb8d33c.


MuseScore C++ source code: writer.cpp line 57

property backup_file: Path

The absolute path of the backup file. The string _bak is appended to the file name before the extension.

property json_file: Path

The absolute path of the JSON file in which the metadata can be exported.

property dirname: str

The name of the containing directory of the MuseScore file, for example: /home/xyz/score_files.

property filename: str

The filename of the MuseScore file, for example: score.mscz.

property basename: str

The basename of the score file, for example: score.

property extension: str

The extension (mscx or mscz) of the score file.

property is_uncompressed: bool

Whether the MuseScore file is uncompressed , i.e. it is a *.mscx file

change_path(suffix: Any | None = None, extension: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None) Path[source]
property export: Export
property fields: FieldsManager
property lyrics: Lyrics
property meta: Meta
property style: Style
make_snapshot() None[source]
new(suffix: Any | None = None, extension: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None) Score[source]
exists() bool[source]
backup() None[source]

Make a copy of the MuseScore file.

get_version() float[source]

Get the version number of the MuseScore file.


The version number as a float.


ValueError – If the version number cannot be retrieved.

print_diff() None[source]
save(new_dest: str = '', mscore: bool = False) None[source]

Save the MuseScore file.

  • new_dest – Save the MuseScore file under a new name.

  • mscore – Save the MuseScore file by opening it with the MuseScore executable and save it there.

read_as_text() str[source]

Read the MuseScore XML file as text.


The content of the MuseScore XML file as text.

reload(save: bool = False) Score[source]

Reload the MuseScore file.


save – Whether to save the changes before reloading. Default is False.


The reloaded Score object.