Source code for mscxyz.settings

"""This submodule provides default parameters for args. Here is the
``args`` object stored from ``argparse``. It can be accessed by the other
submodules using the function `get_args()`."""

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import configparser
import os
import typing
from io import TextIOWrapper
from typing import Optional, Sequence, cast

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from mscxyz.utils import PathOrStr

[docs] class DefaultArguments: # keep order in sync with general_config_file: Optional[str] = None general_backup: bool = False general_dry_run: bool = False general_catch_errors: bool = False general_mscore: bool = False general_executable: Optional[str] = None # Groups alphabetically # in groups related not alphabetically # keep order in sync with # export export_extension: Optional[str] = None export_compress: bool = False export_remove_origin: bool = False # info info_verbose: int = 0 info_color: bool = True info_diff: bool = False info_print_xml: bool = False # help help_markdown: bool = False help_rst: bool = False # lyrics lyrics_extract: Optional[str] = None lyrics_fix: bool = False lyrics_remap: Optional[str] = None # meta meta_clean: Optional[str] = None meta_delete: bool = False meta_dist: Optional[list[tuple[str, str]]] = None meta_log: Optional[list[str]] = None meta_json: bool = False meta_sync: bool = False meta_set: Optional[list[tuple[str, str]]] = None meta_metatag: Optional[list[tuple[str, str]]] = None meta_vbox: Optional[list[tuple[str, str]]] = None meta_combined: Optional[list[tuple[str, str]]] = None meta_title: Optional[str] = None meta_subtitle: Optional[str] = None meta_composer: Optional[str] = None meta_lyricist: Optional[str] = None # rename rename_rename: Optional[str] = None rename_target: Optional[str] = None rename_only_filename: bool = False rename_alphanum: bool = False rename_ascii: bool = False rename_no_whitespace = False rename_skip: Optional[str] = None rename_list_fields: bool = False rename_list_functions: bool = False # selection selection_list: bool = False selection_glob: str = "*.mscx" selection_mscz: bool = False selection_mscx: bool = False # style style_value: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] style_clean: bool = False style_file: Optional[TextIOWrapper] = None style_styles_v3: bool = False style_styles_v4: bool = False style_reset_small_staffs: bool = False # style: font style_list_fonts: bool = False style_text_font: Optional[str] = None style_title_font: Optional[str] = None style_musical_symbol_font: Optional[str] = None style_musical_text_font: Optional[str] = None # style: page style_staff_space: Optional[float] = None style_page_size: Optional[tuple[str, str]] = None style_page_size_a4: bool = False style_page_size_letter: bool = False style_margin: Optional[str] = None # style: header style_show_header: Optional[bool] = None style_header_first_page: Optional[bool] = None style_different_odd_even_header: Optional[bool] = None style_header_all: Optional[tuple[str, str, str]] = None style_header_odd_even: Optional[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str]] = None # style: footer style_different_odd_even_footer: Optional[bool] = None style_show_footer: Optional[bool] = None style_footer_first_page: Optional[bool] = None style_footer_all: Optional[tuple[str, str, str]] = None style_footer_odd_even: Optional[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str]] = None # positional argument path: list[PathOrStr] = ["."]
args = DefaultArguments()
[docs] def get_args() -> DefaultArguments: """Get the ``args`` object (the ``argparse`` object) which is stored in the submodule for all other submodules. :return: the ``argparse`` object """ return args
[docs] def set_args(new_args: DefaultArguments) -> DefaultArguments: """Set the ``args`` object (the ``argparse`` object) which is stored in the submodule for all other submodules to import. """ global args args = new_args return args
[docs] def reset_args() -> DefaultArguments: """Reset the ``args`` object (the ``argparse`` object) which is stored in the submodule for all other submodules to import. """ global args args = DefaultArguments() return args
[docs] def parse_config_ini( relpath: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[configparser.ConfigParser]: """Parse the configuration file. The file format is INI. The default location is ``/etc/mscxyz.ini``.""" if not relpath: ini_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.sep, "etc", "mscxyz.ini")) else: ini_file = relpath config = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.exists(ini_file): return config return None
[docs] def merge_config_into_args( config: configparser.ConfigParser, args: DefaultArguments ) -> DefaultArguments: for section in config.sections(): for key, value in config[section].items(): arg = "{}_{}".format(section, key) if not hasattr(args, arg) or not getattr(args, arg): setattr(args, arg, value) for arg in [ "general_backup", "info_colorize", "general_dry_run", "general_mscore", "help_markdown", "help_rst", "lyrics_fix", "meta_json", "meta_sync", "rename_alphanum", "rename_ascii", "rename_no_whitespace", ]: if hasattr(args, arg): value2 = getattr(args, arg) if value2 == 1 or value2 == "true" or value2 == "True": setattr(args, arg, True) else: setattr(args, arg, False) return args
[docs] def parse_args( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, cli_args: Sequence[str] | None = None ) -> DefaultArguments: args: DefaultArguments = cast(DefaultArguments, parser.parse_args(cli_args)) if args.general_config_file: config = parse_config_ini(args.general_config_file) if config: args = merge_config_into_args(config, args) set_args(args) return args