Source code for mscxyz.cli

"""Wrapper for the command line interface."""

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import importlib
import textwrap
import typing
from typing import Sequence

import shtab
import tmep

import mscxyz.export
from mscxyz import utils
from mscxyz.fields import FieldsManager
from mscxyz.meta import Metatag, Vbox
from mscxyz.rename import rename
from mscxyz.score import Score
from mscxyz.settings import DefaultArguments, parse_args
from import inch, mm, musical_symbol_font_faces, musical_text_font_faces

def _embed_fields(
    fields: Sequence[str], prefix: str = " Available fields: ", suffix: str = "."
) -> str:
    joined_fields: str = ", ".join(fields)
    return f"{prefix}{joined_fields}{suffix}"

[docs] class LineWrapRawTextHelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): """""" def __init__(self, prog: typing.Text) -> None: super().__init__(prog, width=80) def _split_lines(self, text: typing.Text, width: int) -> typing.List[str]: text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(" ", text).strip() return textwrap.wrap(text, 60)
file_completers: list[argparse.Action] = []
[docs] def setup_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="The next generation command " 'line tool to manipulate the XML based "*.mscX" and "*.mscZ" ' "files of the notation software MuseScore.", formatter_class=LineWrapRawTextHelpFormatter, ) shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["--print-completion"]) ############################################################################### # Global options ############################################################################### file_completers.append( parser.add_argument( "-C", "--config-file", metavar="<file-path>", dest="general_config_file", help="Specify a configuration file in the INI format.", ) ) # backup and dry run parser.add_argument( "-b", "--backup", dest="general_backup", action="store_true", help="Create a backup file.", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="general_dry_run", help="Simulate the actions.", ) parser.add_argument( "--catch-errors", dest="general_catch_errors", action="store_true", help="Print error messages instead stop execution in a batch run.", ) # musescore executable parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mscore", "--save-in-mscore", action="store_true", dest="general_mscore", help="Open and save the XML file in MuseScore after manipulating the XML " "with lxml to avoid differences in the XML structure.", ) file_completers.append( parser.add_argument( "-e", "--executable", dest="general_executable", help="Path of the musescore executable.", metavar="FILE_PATH", ) ) ############################################################################### # groups in alphabetical order ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # export ############################################################################### export = parser.add_argument_group( "export", "Export the scores in different formats." ) export.add_argument( "-E", "--export", dest="export_extension", choices=mscxyz.export.extensions, metavar="<extension>", help="Export the scores in a format defined by the extension. The exported file " "has the same path, only the file extension is different. Further information " "can be found at the MuseScore website: " ", " ", " " " "MuseScore must be installed and the script must know the location of the " "binary file.", ) export.add_argument( "--compress", dest="export_compress", action="store_true", help="Save an uncompressed MuseScore file (*.mscx) as a compressed file (*.mscz).", ) export.add_argument( "--remove-origin", dest="export_remove_origin", action="store_true", help="Delete the uncompressed original MuseScore file (*.mscx) if it has been " "successfully converted to a compressed file (*.mscz).", ) ############################################################################### # info ############################################################################### info = parser.add_argument_group( "info", "Print informations about the score and the CLI interface itself." ) info.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {version}".format(version="0.0.0"), ) info.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="info_verbose", default=0, help="Make commands more verbose. You can specifiy " "multiple arguments (. g.: -vvv) to make the command more " "verbose.", ) info.add_argument( "-k", "--color", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, dest="info_color", default=True, help="Colorize the command line print statements.", ) info.add_argument( "--diff", action="store_true", dest="info_diff", help="Show a diff of the XML file before and after the manipulation.", ) info.add_argument( "--print-xml", action="store_true", dest="info_print_xml", help="Print the XML markup of the score.", ) ############################################################################### # meta ############################################################################### meta = parser.add_argument_group( "meta", "Deal with meta data informations stored in the MuseScore file." ) meta.add_argument( "-c", "--clean-meta", metavar="<fields>", dest="meta_clean", help="Clean the meta data fields. Possible values: „all“ or a comma separated " "list of fields, for example: " "„field_one,field_two“.", ) meta.add_argument( "-D", "--delete-duplicates", dest="meta_delete", action="store_true", help="Deletes lyricist if this field is equal to " "composer. Deletes subtitle if this field is equal to" "title. Move subtitle to combimed_title if " "title is empty.", ) meta.add_argument( "-i", "--distribute-fields", dest="meta_dist", action="append", nargs=2, metavar=("<source-fields>", "<format-string>"), help="Distribute source fields to target fields by applying a format string " "on the source fields. It is possible to apply multiple " "--distribute-fields options. <source-fields> can be a single field or a " "comma separated list of fields: field_one,field_two. The program " "tries first to match the <format-string> on the first source field. If this" "fails, it tries the second source field ... and so on.", ) meta.add_argument( "-j", "--json", action="store_true", dest="meta_json", help="Write the meta data to a json file. The resulting file has the same " "path as the input file, only the extension is changed to “json”.", ) meta.add_argument( "-l", "--log", nargs=2, metavar=("<log-file>", "<format-string>"), dest="meta_log", help="Write one line per file to a text file. e. g. --log " "/tmp/musescore-manager.log '$title $composer'", ) meta.add_argument( "-y", "--synchronize", action="store_true", dest="meta_sync", help="Synchronize the values of the first vertical frame (vbox) " "(title, subtitle, composer, lyricist) with the corresponding " "metadata fields", ) meta.add_argument( "-S", "--set-field", nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("<field>", "<format-string>"), dest="meta_set", help="Set value to meta data fields.", ) meta.add_argument( "--metatag", "--metatag-meta", nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("<field>", "<value>"), dest="meta_metatag", help="Define the metadata in MetaTag elements." + _embed_fields(Metatag.fields), ) meta.add_argument( "--vbox", "--vbox-meta", nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("<field>", "<value>"), dest="meta_vbox", help="Define the metadata in VBox elements." + _embed_fields(Vbox.fields), ) meta.add_argument( "--title", metavar=("<string>"), dest="meta_title", help="Create a vertical frame (vbox) containing a title text field and " "set the corresponding document properties work title field (metatag).", ) meta.add_argument( "--subtitle", metavar=("<string>"), dest="meta_subtitle", help="Create a vertical frame (vbox) containing a subtitle text field and " "set the corresponding document properties subtitle and movement title filed (metatag).", ) meta.add_argument( "--composer", metavar=("<string>"), dest="meta_composer", help="Create a vertical frame (vbox) containing a composer text field and " "set the corresponding document properties composer field (metatag).", ) meta.add_argument( "--lyricist", metavar=("<string>"), dest="meta_lyricist", help="Create a vertical frame (vbox) containing a lyricist text field and " "set the corresponding document properties lyricist field (metatag).", ) ############################################################################### # lyrics ############################################################################### lyrics = parser.add_argument_group("lyrics") lyrics.add_argument( "-x", "--extract", "--extract-lyrics", dest="lyrics_extract", metavar="<number-or-all>", help="Extract each lyrics verse into a separate MuseScore file. " "Specify ”all” to extract all lyrics " "verses. The old verse number is appended to the file name, e. g.: " "score_1.mscx.", ) lyrics.add_argument( "-r", "--remap", "--remap-lyrics", dest="lyrics_remap", metavar="<remap-pairs>", help='Remap lyrics. Example: "--remap 3:2,5:3". This ' "example remaps lyrics verse 3 to verse 2 and verse 5 to 3. " "Use commas to specify multiple remap pairs. One remap pair " 'is separated by a colon in this form: "old:new": "old" ' 'stands for the old verse number. "new" stands for the new ' "verse number.", ) lyrics.add_argument( "-F", "--fix", "--fix-lyrics", action="store_true", dest="lyrics_fix", help='Fix lyrics: Convert trailing hyphens ("la- la- la") ' 'to a correct hyphenation ("la - la - la")', ) ############################################################################### # rename ############################################################################### rename = parser.add_argument_group("rename", "Rename the “*.msc[zx]” files. ") rename.add_argument( "--rename", dest="rename_rename", metavar="<path-template>", help="A path template string to set the destination location.", ) rename_target = rename.add_mutually_exclusive_group() rename_target.add_argument( "-t", "--target", dest="rename_target", metavar="<directory>", help="Target directory", ) rename_target.add_argument( "--only-filename", action="store_true", dest="rename_only_filename", help="Rename only the filename and don’t move the score to a different directory.", ) rename.add_argument( "-A", "--alphanum", dest="rename_alphanum", action="store_true", help="Use only alphanumeric characters.", ) rename.add_argument( "-a", "--ascii", dest="rename_ascii", action="store_true", help="Use only ASCII characters.", ) rename.add_argument( "-n", "--no-whitespace", dest="rename_no_whitespace", action="store_true", help="Replace all whitespaces with dashes or sometimes underlines.", ) rename.add_argument( "-K", "--skip-if-empty", dest="rename_skip", metavar="<fields>", help="Skip the rename action if the fields specified in <fields> are empty. " "Multiple fields can be separated by commas, e. g.: composer,title", ) rename.add_argument( "--list-fields", dest="rename_list_fields", action="store_true", help="List all available fields that can be used in the path templates.", ) rename.add_argument( "--list-functions", dest="rename_list_functions", action="store_true", help="List all available functions that can be used in the path templates.", ) ############################################################################### # selection ############################################################################### selection = parser.add_argument_group( "selection", "The following options affect how the manager selects the MuseScore files.", ) selection.add_argument( "-L", "--list-files", action="store_true", dest="selection_list", help="Only list files and do nothing else.", ) exclusive_selection = selection.add_mutually_exclusive_group() exclusive_selection.add_argument( "-g", "--glob", dest="selection_glob", metavar="<glob-pattern>", default="*.msc[xz]", help="Handle only files which matches against Unix style " 'glob patterns (e. g. "*.mscx", "* - *"). If you omit this ' 'option, the standard glob pattern "*.msc[xz]" is used.', ) exclusive_selection.add_argument( "--mscz", dest="selection_mscz", action="store_true", help='Take only "*.mscz" files into account.', ) exclusive_selection.add_argument( "--mscx", dest="selection_mscx", action="store_true", help='Take only "*.mscx" files into account.', ) ############################################################################### # style ############################################################################### style = parser.add_argument_group("style", "Change the styles.") style.add_argument( "-s", "--style", nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("<style-name>", "<value>"), default=[], dest="style_value", help="Set a single style value. For example: --style pageWidth 8.5", ) style.add_argument( "--clean", dest="style_clean", action="store_true", help='Clean and reset the formating of the "*.mscx" file', ) file_completers.append( style.add_argument( "-Y", "--style-file", dest="style_file", metavar="<file>", type=open, help='Load a "*.mss" style file and include the contents of this file.', ) ) style.add_argument( "--s3", "--styles-v3", dest="style_styles_v3", action="store_true", help="List all possible version 3 styles.", ) style.add_argument( "--s4", "--styles-v4", dest="style_styles_v4", action="store_true", help="List all possible version 4 styles.", ) style.add_argument( "--reset-small-staffs", dest="style_reset_small_staffs", action="store_true", help="Reset all small staffs to normal size.", ) font = parser.add_argument_group( "font (style)", "Change the font faces of a score." ) font.add_argument( "--list-fonts", dest="style_list_fonts", action="store_true", help="List all font related styles.", ) font.add_argument( "--text-font", dest="style_text_font", metavar="<font-face>", help="Set nearly all fonts except “romanNumeralFontFace”, “figuredBassFontFace”, " "“dynamicsFontFace“, “musicalSymbolFont” and “musicalTextFont”.", ) font.add_argument( "--title-font", dest="style_title_font", metavar="<font-face>", help="Set “titleFontFace” and “subTitleFontFace”.", ) font.add_argument( "--musical-symbol-font", dest="style_musical_symbol_font", choices=musical_symbol_font_faces, help="Set “musicalSymbolFont”, “dynamicsFont” and “dynamicsFontFace”.", ) font.add_argument( "--musical-text-font", dest="style_musical_text_font", choices=musical_text_font_faces, help="Set “musicalTextFont”.", ) page = parser.add_argument_group("page (style)", "Page settings.") page.add_argument( "--staff-space", dest="style_staff_space", type=mm, metavar="<dimension>", help="Set the staff space or spatium. This is the vertical distance between " "two lines of a music staff.", ) page.add_argument( "--page-size", dest="style_page_size", nargs=2, metavar=("<width>", "<height>"), help="Set the page size.", ) page.add_argument( "--a4", "--din-a4", dest="style_page_size_a4", action="store_true", help="Set the paper size to DIN A4 (210 by 297 mm).", ) page.add_argument( "--letter", dest="style_page_size_letter", action="store_true", help="Set the paper size to Letter (8.5 by 11 in).", ) page.add_argument( "--margin", dest="style_margin", metavar="<dimension>", help="Set the top, right, bottom and left margins to the same value.", ) # header header = parser.add_argument_group("header (style)", "Change the header.") header.add_argument( "--show-header", dest="style_show_header", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Show or hide the header.", ) header.add_argument( "--header-first-page", dest="style_header_first_page", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Show the header on the first page.", ) header.add_argument( "--different-odd-even-header", dest="style_different_odd_even_header", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Use different header for odd and even pages.", ) header.add_argument( "--header", nargs=3, dest="style_header_all", metavar=("<left>", "<center>", "<right>"), help="Set the header for all pages.", ) header.add_argument( "--header-odd-even", nargs=6, dest="style_header_odd_even", metavar=( "<odd-left>", "<even-left>", "<odd-center>", "<even-center>", "<odd-right>", "<even-right>", ), help="Set different headers for odd and even pages.", ) # footer footer = parser.add_argument_group("footer (style)", "Change the footer.") footer.add_argument( "--show-footer", dest="style_show_footer", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Show or hide the footer.", ) footer.add_argument( "--footer-first-page", dest="style_footer_first_page", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Show the footer on the first page.", ) footer.add_argument( "--different-odd-even-footer", dest="style_different_odd_even_footer", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Use different footers for odd and even pages.", ) footer.add_argument( "--footer", nargs=3, dest="style_footer_all", metavar=("<left>", "<center>", "<right>"), help="Set the footer for all pages.", ) footer.add_argument( "--footer-odd-even", nargs=6, dest="style_footer_odd_even", metavar=( "<odd-left>", "<even-left>", "<odd-center>", "<even-center>", "<odd-right>", "<even-right>", ), help="Set different footers for odd and even pages.", ) ############################################################################### # last positional parameter ############################################################################### file_completers.append( parser.add_argument( "path", nargs="*", default=["."], metavar="<path>", help='Path to a "*.msc[zx]" file or a folder containing "*.msc[zx]" files. ' "can be specified several times.", ) ) for action in file_completers: action.complete = shtab.FILE # type: ignore return parser
def _print_error(error: Exception) -> None: msg = "" if isinstance(error, SyntaxError): msg = error.msg print( "{}: {}; message: {}".format( utils.colorize("Error", "white", "on_red"), utils.colorize(error.__class__.__name__, "red"), msg, ) )
[docs] def get_args(cli_args: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> DefaultArguments: return parse_args(setup_parser(), cli_args)
[docs] def execute(cli_args: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> None: args = get_args(cli_args) if args.style_styles_v3 or args.style_styles_v4: def list_styles(version: int) -> None: """There are many styles in MuseScore. We dynamically import the module to avoid long load time""" style_names = importlib.import_module("mscxyz.style_names", package=None) style_names.list_styles(version) if args.style_styles_v3: list_styles(3) return if args.style_styles_v4: list_styles(4) return if args.rename_list_fields: FieldsManager.print() return if args.rename_list_functions: print(tmep.get_doc()) return selection_glob: str = args.selection_glob if args.selection_mscz: selection_glob = "*.mscz" elif args.selection_mscx: selection_glob = "*.mscx" for file in utils.list_path(src=args.path, glob=selection_glob): try: if args.selection_list: print(file) continue score = Score(file) if args.style_list_fonts: continue if args.general_backup: score.backup() score.make_snapshot() if args.export_compress: score = Score(score.export.compress(args.export_remove_origin)) # style if args.style_clean: for style_name, value in args.style_value:, value) if args.style_file: if args.style_text_font is not None: if args.style_title_font is not None: if args.style_musical_symbol_font is not None: = args.style_musical_symbol_font if args.style_musical_text_font is not None: = args.style_musical_text_font if args.style_staff_space is not None: = args.style_staff_space if args.style_page_size is not None:*args.style_page_size) if args.style_page_size_a4: if args.style_page_size_letter: if args.style_margin is not None: = inch(args.style_margin) # header if args.style_show_header is not None: = args.style_show_header if args.style_header_first_page is not None: = args.style_header_first_page if args.style_different_odd_even_header is not None: = args.style_different_odd_even_header if args.style_header_all:*args.style_header_all) if args.style_header_odd_even:*args.style_header_odd_even) # footer if args.style_show_footer is not None: = args.style_show_footer if args.style_footer_first_page is not None: = args.style_footer_first_page if args.style_different_odd_even_footer is not None: = args.style_different_odd_even_footer if args.style_footer_all:*args.style_footer_all) if args.style_footer_odd_even:*args.style_footer_odd_even) # small staffs if args.style_reset_small_staffs: # lyrics if args.lyrics_remap: score.lyrics.remap(args.lyrics_remap) if args.lyrics_fix: score.lyrics.fix_lyrics(mscore=args.general_mscore) if args.lyrics_extract: no = 0 if args.lyrics_extract != "all": no = int(args.lyrics_extract) score.lyrics.extract_lyrics(no) # meta manipulate_meta: bool = False if ( args.meta_metatag or args.meta_vbox or args.meta_set or args.meta_clean or args.meta_dist or args.meta_dist or args.meta_delete or args.meta_sync or args.meta_title or args.meta_subtitle or args.meta_composer or args.meta_lyricist ): manipulate_meta = True # to get score.fields.pre score.fields if args.meta_metatag: for a in args.meta_metatag: field = a[0] value = a[1] if field not in Metatag.fields: raise ValueError( f"Unknown field {field}. " f"Possible fields: {', '.join(Metatag.fields)}" ) setattr(score.meta.metatag, field, value) if args.meta_vbox: for a in args.meta_vbox: field = a[0] value = a[1] if field not in Vbox.fields: raise ValueError( f"Unknown field {field}. " f"Possible fields: {', '.join(Vbox.fields)}" ) setattr(score.meta.vbox, field, value) if args.meta_set: for a in args.meta_set: score.fields.set(a[0], a[1]) if args.meta_clean: score.fields.clean(args.meta_clean) if args.meta_json: score.fields.export_json() if args.meta_dist: for a in args.meta_dist: score.fields.distribute(source_fields=a[0], format_string=a[1]) if args.meta_delete: score.meta.delete_duplicates() if args.meta_sync: score.meta.sync_fields() if args.meta_log: score.meta.write_to_log_file(args.meta_log[0], args.meta_log[1]) if args.meta_title: score.meta.title = args.meta_title if args.meta_subtitle: score.meta.subtitle = args.meta_subtitle if args.meta_composer: score.meta.composer = args.meta_composer if args.meta_lyricist: score.meta.lyricist = args.meta_lyricist if manipulate_meta: score.fields.diff(args) # info if args.info_diff: score.print_diff() if args.info_print_xml: print(score.xml_string) # save if not args.general_dry_run: # export if args.export_extension: score.export.to_extension(args.export_extension) # rename if args.rename_rename: rename(score, args.rename_rename) except Exception as e: if not args.general_catch_errors: raise e else: _print_error(e)